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The Representation of Women and Men in the film Gran Torino Essay Example

The Representation of Women and Men in the film Gran Torino Essay Prior to current desires for sexual orientation uniformity, people have...

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Czech Republic country analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Czech Republic country analysis - Essay Example (4) Masculinity pertains to the degree to which a society supports the traditional masculine work role model of male achievement, control, and power (â€Å"Hofestede’s Cultural Dimensions† 1, 2, 3, 4). (1) Czech has a slightly lower power distance index in comparison to the US. This means that in the Czech Republic managers treat their subordinates with respect, entrust them with vital work and may even socialize with their subordinates. This is supported by the fact that the Czech has a well-educated population (â€Å"Czech Republic† 2). (2) The US individualism score is substantially greater than the Czech’s. In the Czech Republic the social unit is more important than the individual. Therefore when running a business there one has to remember that conformity is not only expected but is also perceived positively. In line with this it is important to note that most Czech’s end business early on Fridays for shopping or traveling to their country cottages for the weekend. (3) The US has a fairly greater masculinity score than Czech. This means that in Czech Republic men and women are given equal opportunities and positions. This would definitely affect the staff recruitment policy for a business moving from the US to Czech. With less masculinity, the Czech culture prioritizes family relationships and quality of life over work. People work to live which implies flexible working hours and longer vacations than their counterparts in the United States. This could be a disadvantage to opening a textile factory because the workforce may not be as willing to work round the clock to meet the often demanding short lead times characteristic of successful apparel retailers. (4) The Czech has a substantially greater uncertainty avoidance score than the US. According to Hofstede this is reflective of a society with a deep and long cultural history and a largely homogeneous population. The high

Monday, February 3, 2020

Hello platform Report advice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hello platform Report advice - Essay Example uiry from Booz Allen Hamitlon company that wants to know whether to continue with internal or in-house software development or acquire their social software from another company. Like many other companies, Booz Allen Hamitlon Company has to make sure all its stakeholders understand what system development means and what purposes it is meant to serve. This information should be known by both insiders and outsiders in order to make the evaluation of their decision easy to implement. This is so because effective partnership is significant in creating a close and mutual and respectful working relationship between developers and users of any software project (Maier 1998). To take the best step, there are issues that Booz Allen Hamitlon must sort out. First, the company must identify a large IT problem that needs to be solved. Jessup and Valacich (2003) advise that the problem should then be broken down into several smaller and manageable pieces that can be translated into computer programs. The social software should join each program into an overall comprehensive system that caters for the whole problem as illustrated in the below diagram by Jessup and Valacich (2003). At this point, any company can discover the complexity of the program needed and weigh options with regard to the expertise it has at hand. Where the company realizes that its personnel are not competent enough to develop such software, it should consider other alternatives (FCA 2007). Incase the company realizes that their problem needs software that their personnel can develop, then it should consider developing it in-house if the time consumed and resources needed are less than the cost of purchasing or securing the development otherwise. As Booz Allen Hamitlon Company considers the off-the-shelf software development, the evaluation process will be vital. This should be done by evaluating and analyzing the features, functions, benefits and costs of the viable options so as to develop the best